Setting up Merchium with UPS
Modified on: Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:49 AM
To set up Merchium with UPS:
- In the administration panel, go to Settings > Shipping settings.
- Clear the Disable shipping check box (if it is selected), select the Enable UPS check box, then click the Save button to save the changes.

- In the administration panel, go to Administration > Shipping & Taxes > Shipping methods. There is the UPS 3day Select shipping method defined by default in standard Merchium (if the default Merchium configuration has not been changed yet).
- Select Active for this shipping method in the select box in the Status column.
- Click on the name of this shipping method to modify it.
- Select Realtime in the Rate calculation field, select UPS USA: 3 Day Select in the Shipping service field.
- Click the Save button to save the changes.

- Open the Configure tab.
- Fill your UPS credentials in the UPS Rates Access Key (learn more), Username and Password fields. For testing purposes select the Daily pickup value in the Pickup type, the Package value in Package type and enter 10 in each Width, Height and Length fields.
- Click the Save button to save the changes.

- Open the General tab and enter the necessary value into the Weight (lbs) input field and click on the Test link next to the Shipping service field to make a test calculation of shipping charges.
NOTE: Use real recipient and sender addresses for testing (UPS uses address verification system).
Sender address = company address, that you are able to edit on the Settings: Company page in your administration panel.
Recipient address = customer shipping address. In case of testing
shipping charges in the administration panel the address defined under
the Default location section on the Settings: General page is used as a customer address.
- Open the Shipping charges tab and define shipping charges which will be added to ones returned by real-time shipping service if it is needed. Click the Save button to save the changes.
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