Shipping cost dependent on order total and weight
Modified on: Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:47 AM
To set up a shipping cost depending on an order total and weight:
- In the administration panel, go to Administration > Shipping & Taxes > Shipping methods.
Create a shipping method or choose the existing one.
- Click on the name of this shipping method. The Editing shipping method page will open.
- On that page open the Shipping charges tab.
- Select the desired location in the Show rates for location: box.
- In the Cost dependencies section in the first row enter 0 (for instance) into the More than input field and a shipping rate (e.g. 25) into the input field next to it.
- In the following row enter the total amount (e.g. 50) after which you would like to change the shipping cost into the More than input field and different shipping rate (e.g. 20) into the input field next to it.
- You are able to specify as many intervals as you like.
- Click the Create/Save button.
- In the Weight dependencies section in the first row enter 0 (for instance) into the More than input field and a shipping cost (e.g. 2) into the input field next to it.
- In the following row enter the total amount (e.g. 100) after which you would like to change the shipping cost into the More than input field and different shipping cost (e.g. 3) into the input field next to it.
NOTE: In this case the shipping cost will be a shipping rate of the Cost dependencies section plus a shipping rate of the Weight dependencies
section. For instance, if the order total is between $0 and $50 and the
order weight is less than 100 lbs, the shipping cost will be $25 + $2,
if the order total is between $0 and $50 and the order weight is more
than 100 lbs, the shipping cost will be $25 + $3, if the order total
exceeds $50 and the order weight is less than 100 lbs, the shipping cost
will be $20 + $2 and if the order total exceeds $50 and the order
weight is more than 100 lbs, the shipping cost will be $20 + $3.
- Click the Create button.

NOTE: You should set up the desired product weight in the Weight field on the product details page of your administration panel.
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