Downloadable Products
Modified on: Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:45 AM
To create a downloadable product:
- In the administration panel, go to Products > Products.
- Click on a product name in the list or add a new product by clicking the Add product button (the button with the 'plus' icon.)
- Select the Downloadable check box.
- Select the Enable shipping for downloadable products check box if the product has a tangible component and it is required to display a shipping method.
- Select the Time-unlimited download check box if you would like to make the product's download period time-unlimited.
NOTE: If the Time-unlimited download check box is selected, the Download key TTL (for electronically distributed products), hours setting on the Settings page (the link to this page is in the Administration tab) in the administration panel does not affect the product. The Download key TTL (for electronically distributed products), hours
setting defines time in hours within which the customer can download
the file(s) after the purchase. This period can be prolonged for a
certain order on the order details page.
- Click the Save/Create button.

- Refresh the page and open the Files tab.
- In this tab, click the Add file button (the button with the 'plus' icon.) This will open a special form to complete. In the File section of the form, upload the necessary files.

- Select one of the following variants in the Activation mode drop-down list:
Manually - Select to allow a customer to download the
uploaded file after the administrator has allowed it manually in the
administration panel. The administrator should select Active in the Active column in the Downloads tab on the order details page in the administration panel.
Immediately - Select to allow a customer to download the uploaded file immediately after the purchase.
After full payment - Select to allow a customer to download the uploaded file after the order status has changed to Processed or Completed.

NOTE: The Download link will appear on the
order details page immediately after the order has been placed. It will
lead to the download page containing the name of the file to be
downloaded. When the download is permitted/activated, the string with
the filename will be converted into a download link, and the customer
will receive this link by email.
- Click the Create button.
NOTE: To make the product downloadable and add files to it using the import option, use the instructions from the Imported fields format article.
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