Setting up a promotion
Modified on: Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 9:30 PM
- In the administration panel, go to Marketing > Promotions.
- Click the + button on the left and choose Add cart promotion or Add catalog promotion.
NOTE: Catalog promotions are different product discounts which are displayed on the catalog pages, while Cart promotions allow to define not only discounts for products and orders, but also grant coupons, free shipping and free products. Cart promotions are displayed on the Cart and Checkout pages.
- Fill information in the General section.
NOTE: The Stop other rules
option means the way a promotion is applied. If this option is enabled,
the promotions with lower priority will not be applied. This option
does not affect the promotions with the priority that is higher that the
priority of the created promotion. The Stop other rules option affects only the promotion of the same type (catalog promotion or cart promotion) as the created one.

- Open the Conditions tab and click the Add condition button.
- Select the desired type of condition in the opened select box,
then select the desired option in the opened select box or enter the
desired value in the opened input box.
NOTE: If you select several conditions, you should select the condition rules for them. In the Group option at the top select All or Any in the first select box and True or False in the second select box.

- Open the Bonuses tab and click the Add bonus button.
- Select the desired option in the opened select box. Then select
the desired discount type. There are the following discount types:
- to percentage of the original price - the original price will be reduced to the specified percentage;
- by percentage of the original price - the original price will be reduced by the specified percentage;
- to fixed amount - the original price will be reduced to a fixed amount;
- by fixed amount - the original price will be reduced by a fixed amount.
After that enter the desired value to the opened input box.
- Click the Create button.

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