Adding the Manufacturer Product Feature
Modified on: Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:36 AM
To add the Manufacturer product feature:
- In the administration panel, go to Products > Features
- Click the Add feature button on the left and specify the following fields in the opened New feature window:
Name - enter Manufacturer.
Feature code - enter the individual code to identify the feature.
Position - enter the feature position.
Description - enter the feature description (it will be displayed if a customer clicks on ? link under the Features tab on the product details page on the storefront.)
Type - select the Selectbox > Brand/Manufacturer feature type.
Group - select the group to which the feature will be applied (in order not to apply the feature to any group leave None.)
Show on the Features tab - If selected, the product feature is displayed on the product details page as a separate tab.
Show in product header - If selected, the feature is shown under the product header.
Show in product list - If selected, the feature appears on the storefront on a product list page among the other product details.
Prefix - enter the feature prefix.
Suffix - enter the feature suffix.

- Open the Variants tab and specify the necessary manufacturers.
- Click the Create button.

To specify a manufacturer for a product:
- In the administration panel, go to Products > Products and click on the desired product link.
- Open the Features tab.
- Select the necessary manufacturer in the Manufacturer feature list and click the Save button.
NOTE: To add a product filter so that it could filter products by manufacturer, read the Adding a product filter article.
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