To import the products to the store:
  1. In the administration panel, go to Administration > Import data > Products.
  2. Make sure the fields in your CSV file have the same names as the ones listed under the Products section on this page. Also check whether the values of the fields have  the correct format. For more information about the correct format read the Imported fields format article.
    NOTE: All field values must be in quotes.
    EXAMPLE: "Test product"

NOTE: If language is not specified in a csv file, the default language will be used instead.


  1. In the Import options section, specify the following settings:
    1. Category delimiter - Select the delimiter of the category path which is used in the CSV file.
    2. Features delimiter - Select a features delimiter, that will be used in the CSV file.
    3. Images directory - Specify the path to the directory  where images are located. This will be used if the image file is  specified without a path in the CSV file.
    4. Files directory - Specify the path to the directory where product files (for downloadable products) are located. This will be used if the File field data is specified without a path in the CSV file.
    5. Delete all existing product files before import - Select this check box if you want to delete all files of your existing downloadable products.
    6. Reset inventory - Select this check box if you want to reset inventory for all products.
    7. Price decimal separator - Type a decimal separator for product prices, that will be used in the CSV file.
    8. CSV delimiter - Select the CSV delimiter, which is used in the CSV file (e.g. comma,semicolon,tab).
    9. Select file - Choose location of the CSV file with the import data and select this file.
      For example: If your file is located on your local computer, click on the Local link and select the file.
  2. Click the Import button.

To get an example of the correct CSV file, export your products in the Products tab on the Export data page in your administration panel, or refer to the article of the product import example.
NOTE: The Product code field is mandatory  and must be unique for each product. If its value is equal to the  existing product code, this product data will be replaced with the  imported data.