A location is a combination of parameters to represent a geographical area. Locations are used to calculate shipping rates and tax charges.
To set up a location:
- In the administration panel, go to Administration > Shipping & Taxes > Locations.
- Click the + button on the left.
- Enter the desired name for your new location in the Name input field (for example, you wish to define the location zone USA-Maryland.)
- Select United States in the Countries section on the right side and click the <- button to move it to the left box.
- Select United States: Maryland in the States section on the right side and click the <- button to move it to the left box.
- Leave other fields blank on the left.
- Click the Save button to save the changes.
NOTE: If geographic areas (states or countries) of location zones intersect each other, then the one with more precise location conditions will be used for a customer on checkout. For example, if both of the following locations include the customer's address: USA + Maryland, USA + All states - the first one will be used.